Code of Behaviour
As an Ernest student, I will adhere to the following expectations:
- I will be at school on time and ready to learn.
- I will respect myself, others and their rights.
- I will respect all property.
- I will follow school and classroom routines.
- I will work and play safely.
- I will use polite language
- I will co-operate with all staff and students.
- I will solve problems peacefully.
- I will work diligently and strive to do my best every day.
Punctuality and Attendance
It is important for me to be at school regularly and on time:
- I must be on time in the morning (8:45), afternoon (12:30), and at recess times (when the bell rings, line up).
- If I am going to be absent, my parents will call the school in the morning (416-395-2382).
- If I am going to be absent in the afternoon, I will bring a note in the morning or my parents will call the school.
- If I normally stay at school for lunch, and I need to go off school property at any time for lunch, I must bring a note signed by my parent/guardian for each time this occurs.
- When I leave school during the day, my parent(s)/ guardian(s) must sign me out at the office.
I will follow these routines at entry times:
- Be on time for school as instruction starts at 8:45 a.m. and 12:30 pm.
- Enter only through my regular doors. Only parents and visitors may use the front doors. However, if I arrive after my class has entered, my regular door will be locked and I must ring the front door bell, come in to the office and get a late slip to be admitted to my class.
- Stand in the stairwells or sit on the steps up to the landing, when the teacher lets us in during bad weather.
I follow these routines at dismissal time:
- When dismissed, I will leave school property and go directly home. The playscapes are closed for safe dismissal from 3:15 to 3:45 pm. No ball playing!
Appropriate Behaviour and Language
I play games and participate in activities that are cooperative and safe, in the classroom and outdoors: I am respectful to others!
- Use kind words to solve problems peacefully.
- Play fighting is not tolerated; avoid all forms of physical contact, rough play, touching.
- Do not tease others, call people names, or use inappropriate language.
- Do not spread rumours about others.
- Bullying is not tolerated at Ernest Public School … incidents of physical and verbal bullying will be addressed with serious consequences.
I look after my own belongings:
- Hang up all of my belongings or put them on the racks in an orderly fashion, including my boots against the wall.
- Have all my belongings labelled with my name on them.
Appropriate Dress
I wear clothing appropriate for school activities and the weather:
- Wear a warm coat, hat, mittens and boots on cold winter days.
- Bring appropriate clothing for gym on gym days. No sandals for gym.
- No spaghetti strap tops, and no bare midriff or tummy.
- My clothing has to cover me from neck to mid-thigh. No mini-skirts and no short shorts.
- Clothing must not reflect any gang related implications (e.g., no bandanas, etc.).
Appropriate Items for School
I must bring only appropriate items to school:
- Do not bring expensive items to school (e.g., electronic items). I understand that the school is not responsible for any personal items I might bring to school. If you bring a cell phone to school for safety reasons before and after school, it must remain in your bag. No cell phones are allowed at any time on the school yard for privacy and safety reasons. As well, students are not allowed to make calls on their cell phones during the school day. All calls made by students must go through the office. This is an important safety rule.
- Leave dangerous items, toy weapons, water squirters, hockey sticks, skateboards, roller blades, baseball bats and scooters at home.
- NO WEAPONS (e.g., knives, weapon replicas, etc.) may come to school.
- No baseball bats and/or tennis racquets may be brought to school.
- Do not bring hard balls (of any size).
- Do not bring or chew gum at school, either inside or outside the building.
I will follow these rules in our lunchroom:
- We are a NUT FREE SCHOOL. Do not bring any food/items with nuts.
- We are a PLATINUM Eco School – bring snacks / lunches in recyclable or reusable containers. Items that will not go in the recycle bin or green bin will be sent home. Please bring nutritious food items, no junk food.
- Bring all my belongings to the lunchroom at 11:30 a.m., sit while I am eating and talk in a soft voice.
- Clear my area by putting appropriate items in the recycle bin or green bin. No garbage is allowed.
- Finish all my food and drinks in the lunchroom.
- No glass! Bring my own spoon and/or fork! Do not bring knives to school. No tetra packs or plastic drink bottles.
- Get permission from a lunchroom supervisor if I have to leave the lunchroom for any reason. If I am outside, I will ask the adult at the door for permission to go inside for a drink or the washroom.
Outdoor Play
When I am playing outside, I follow these routines:
- Use playscape safely as it is meant to be used. No backpacks or coats with strings/scarves when I’m on playscape. No sandals on the playscape.
- Play within the boundaries. No rough games allowed! Avoid running on the paved areas.
- Stay out of the parking lot, the front of the school, and area past the soccer field.
- Play in the park only if supervised by a teacher. The park is off school property!
- Leave sticks, stones, sand, and snow on the ground at all times.
- Get teacher approval if I have to use the washroom or to get a drink.
- Sponge soccer balls only on field. No ball playing on the paved areas except tennis balls against the wall, and Four Square.
On the playscape I will play safely and follow these rules.
- Playscape is closed before first bell (8:30 – 8:40 am), and after school during dismissal (3:15 – 3:45 pm) for safe arrival and dismissal.
- Avoid touching anyone and no running on the playscape. This means no games of tag or blocking when on the equipment.
- Use the slide to slide down not climb up. No throwing stones or any other material on the slide.
- No skipping ropes or other toys on the playscape.
- One person at a time on the tire, and always sit on the tire.
- Stand by the post to wait for a turn on the tire. This means no pushing the tire.
- I must not climb on top of the red tube at any time.
Fire Drills
During a fire drill, I behave in an orderly fashion and follow all of the school routines:
- Stop what I am doing immediately when I hear the buzzer, line up and walk out in single file.
- Walk when I am exiting and entering the building.
- Be absolutely silent, both inside and outside, during the entire fire drill.
- Use an alternate exit when notified by an adult.
- Leave by the closest exit if I am not in my own classroom (e.g., washroom, ESL, library, Special Ed.), and join my class outside in our meeting spot.
- I must wear running shoes at all times in the school.
When I am using the computer I am expected to follow these rules:
- Use only school programs.
- No eating or drinking when at the computer.
School Trips
On any school trip, I will follow the Ernest Code of Behaviour, the school bus routines and safety rules, and follow all instructions by the teacher and other trip supervisors at all times. I understand that if I do not do this, I may lose future trip privileges.
School Bus
While on a school bus, I will behave in an orderly fashion and follow these routines:
- Stay in my seat while the bus is in motion. Keep bags/knapsacks on lap or on floor between my feet.
- Avoid distracting the bus driver or other users of the road.
- Talk quietly on the bus.
- No pushing when getting on or off the bus. One at a time only!
- No eating on the bus.
If I do not follow the Code of Behaviour or the School Routines, any of the following consequences may occur:
- Discussion and counselling with the teacher or principal.
- Development of a plan for solving problems peacefully (Student Behaviour Report)
- ‘Thinking Time’, which may be included: in class, in the office, lunch hour.
- Telephone or written contact with parents.
- Parent – teacher – principal conference.
- Payment for repair or replacement of damaged property.
- Withdrawal from class or school privileges, i.e. school trips.
- Formal suspension, as appropriate.