Parents want the best education for their children. Our goal is to provide your family with a positive learning environment, with a variety of programs and services that promote outstanding student achievement.
Parents are children's first and life-long teachers. We value the partnership between home and school and know that parental involvement is the key to success in school. You can be involved by helping your child with homework, volunteering in our school, or joining our school council. By welcoming you and providing opportunities for you to be involved, we can work together to ensure that our students receive the very best education.
Visit the links on this page to find more information on a variety of subjects.
Four important things parents can do to ensure their child's success in school:
1. Have high expectations of your child
2. Talk about school
3. Help your child develop positive attitudes toward learning and work habits
4. Read together in any language
Student Attendance and Punctuality
Regular student attendance and punctuality are important in order for students to be successful at school. The Education Act states that it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to ensure that their children attend school regularly. A student's academic progress depends on regular class attendance.
TDSB elementary schools practice the Safe Arrival Program that requires schools to perform a school-home attendance check (through the automated Synervoice call system as of November 10, 2014 at Fairbank). Notify the school when your child will be absent or late. Students are expected to fully participate in learning opportunities and complete all homework assignments and tests when they are absent so make sure your child is getting homework assignments when they are absent.
You can help ensure that your child is in school and on time for classes by:
- being involved in your child's education;
- knowing the school's schedule;
- communicating regularly with classroom teachers (use your child's planner to send notes to the teacher);
- calling the school if your child is going to be absent;
- writing a note if your child is late due to an appointment;
- ensuring that your child gets a good night's sleep so that they have the energy they need for the next day.
Elementary school students are kept indoors for recess and lunch times for a number of weather conditions. When temperature and wind chill measure -28C or lower, students are kept indoors. Recesses may be shortened if the temperature and wind chill reading is between -20C and -28C. Please ensure that your child(ren) is always dressed warmly in the winter with the appropriate clothing and boots. Our grade 7 and 8 students are reminded that any sweaters/hoodies they may wear indoors during cold weather, must coordinate with the required navy blue and white uniform and these should not have logos/writing on them other than the FPS logo and name.
We have also been asked about sick students staying indoors during recess. If students are ill, they should remain at home. We do not have staff to supervise students inside during outdoor recess.