What is kindness and caring?
- Showing understanding of others by treating them with compassion, generosity, and a forgiving spirit
- Being gentle, willing to help, friendly, and considerate
- Showing concern or sympathy for others
- Being sensitive to the needs of others
- Offering support
- Giving your time, talents, and resources to help others
- Talking positively about others
- Considering the needs of others, not just your own
What does kindness/caring look like and sound like?
- Smiling at those you know and those you don't know
- Saying "Good Morning"
- Reminding someone who is feeling down about how special he or she is
- Saving to buy something nice for someone
- Donating to a charity
- Volunteering time to help others in need
- Cooking a meal for someone
- Giving friends and family members encouragement and sharing kind words
- Asking, "How can I help?" or "How are you?"
- Doing something nice for somebody--a random act of kindness
- Cleaning up a space that is shared with others
- Helping to keep the environment clean
- Taking care of someone who is sick, or wishing them a quick recovery with a visit or a card
em>"Give to another human being without the expectation of a return." (Bill Bradley)
"Don't wait for people to be kind, show them how." (Unknown)
"Kindness in words creates confidence, kindness in thinking creates profoundness, and kindness in feeling creates love." (Lao-Tzu)
"Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate." (Albert Schweitzer)