"Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one." - Bill Gates
Mr. Morris Sze, ext : 20104
Ms. Mandana Tajalli-Yazdi ext.: 20104
Computer studies is about how computers compute. It is not about learning how to use the computer, and it is much more than computer programming. Computer studies is the study of ways of representing objects and processes. It involves defining problems; analysing problems; designing solutions; and developing, testing, and maintaining programs. For the purposes of this document, the term computer studies refers to the study of computer science, meaning computer and algorithmic processes, including their principles, their hardware and software designs, their applications, and their impact on society. The major focus of these courses is the development of programming skills, which are important for success in future post secondary studies.
Special Programs/ Courses:
FOCUS ON IT Certificated - was developed by the Information and Communication Technology Council (ICTC) to provide a head start on post-secondary education goals by giving students a foundation of technical, business and interpersonal skills. Students are further taught to apply these technologies to analyze information and data structures, collaborate with classmates, make informed decisions, and gain awareness and flexibility in new situations, while being creative and innovative. The Focus on Information Technology program (FIT) is a part of ICTC’s youth initiative that focuses on providing tools to explore career possibilities in Canada’s 21st century ICT sector. FIT Certificate: www.focusit.ca
Information and Communication Technology is the sector that processes information using electronic systems. The ICT sector continues to transform our economy and everyday life. Core industries in this sector include: Communications systems (e.g., telecommunications, cable/broadband, broadcasting, and other program distribution systems); Computer systems (e.g., computer engineering, technical support, electronics, robotics, network engineering); Software and digital media (e.g., computer programming, computer and video games, simulations, computer animation, data management, web design, web portals, and Internet security).
Students choose a bundle of Grade 11 and Grade 12 courses in their choice of technical areas: Computer Engineering, Computer Hardware, Programming and Networking. SHSM students enrolled in the ICT complement their academic learning with a co-op work experience, earn a variety of ICT based certifications and participate in reach-ahead activities that complement the curriculum.
Prerequisite Chart:
Courses Offering:
ICS2O - Introduction to Computer Studies, Grade 10 - Open
ICS3U - Introduction to Computer Science Grade 11, University
ICS3C - Introduction to Computer Programming Grade 11, College
ICS4U - Computer Science Grade 12, University
ICS4C - Computer Programming Grade 12, College