School Letter Points

School Letter Points


Humber Valley Village School Letter Points 2016-2017


The Humber Valley Village School Letter Points is a program at the Middle School level that is popular with many students. The awarding of our school letter officially recognizes students who have excelled in many ways within their school life.

Points are given for participation in a variety of activities for 3 years, starting in Grade 6. It is awarded in the form of a medal.Each point is given only after 6 HOURS of service by the supervisor of that activity. The student needs to accumulate 30-39 points to achieve a small letter, 40-59 points to earn a large letter, 50 points to earn an award
of excellence
and 60 points to achieve a plaque of recognition.

A list of the different activities that your child can engage in at Humber Valley and the points, (based on hours) allocated for each activity is provided. The adult supervisor of that activity will sign off on the hours achieved by the student as the activity is complete (or each term if the activity continues). The sheet will be given to Mrs. Lambi following each reporting period to ensure the points are tracked on our master tracking sheet.



Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8



Student Publications




Drama and Dance

Art Club



School Teams


Leadership (Student Council)


Classroom Helper

School Monitor

School Announcements/Technical Support