We are a Gold Eco school.
Thank you to our students staff and parent community for being such good advocates for our Planet!!
Congratulations King George students and community.

EcoSchools is a school greening program with a very broad scope. It addresses what is taught, how we run our schools and how we design and use our schools grounds. Its central focus is supporting students and staff in caring for and protecting the environment where they spend so many hours every week. EcoSchools asks us to examine the decisions we make in our schools, inside and out — from modifying practices in our classrooms, offices, and boiler rooms to designing the school ground as a place for healthy, enriched learning.
It’s a big job. School Services (curriculum), Facility Services (school operations) and Purchasing departments all devote staff time to helping schools move toward more environmentally aware and sound practices.
GARDEN RESTORATION PROJECT SPRING 2015 We are in the process of planning improvements to the school grounds. Last year, one of our Eco-School goals was to rejuvenate 3 large flowerbeds.
Thank you for helping us bring our gardens back to life!
Plant Day Poster 2015.docx