General Information

School Hours

Entry Bell  8:50
Recess 10:25 - 10:40
Kindergarten Lunch 11:25 - 12:40
Lunch 11:40 - 12:40
Recess 2:05 -  2:20
Kindergarten Dismissal  3:20
Dismissal 3:30

Safe Arrival Program

It is important to notify the school of any student absence or lateness. Please call the school's Safe Arrival Line at 416-394-3060 and listen for the prompts (Option 1). You can call at any time and leave a message. All messages are retrieved in the morning and in the afternoon before attendance is recorded. You may also call during school hours to reach someone in the office.

The Toronto District School Board and King George P.S. use an automated call out system, School Connects. This system will call out to priority 1 and priority 2 contacts (parents and guardians of the child) when the school has not been notified of the student's absence. Please listen to the message in its entirety and follow the prompts accordingly. The system will also call out in the evening to report a student's unexplained late. Please let the school know if your child will be late.  Please make sure that the school has all updated phone numbers and contacts. To make a change or add/remove numbers or contacts, please visit the Main Office

All students who are arriving to school after 8:55 a.m or after 12:45 p.m. must sign in and receive an Admit Slip. All students must be signed out on the blue sheet in the office when being picked up early.

For more information on the Board's Safe Arrival policy, please Click Here

Lunch Time at King George

Many of the King George students remain at school for the lunch hour. We provide lunchroom monitors to ensure supervision during their eating and recess times.
Pizza Lunches  are organized by our school's Parent Council and happen once each month. Forms will be distributed prior to pizza day, and extras will usually be available in the office prior to the due date. Ordering for the year or for the term is also available. Have a question about an order? please contact our Parent Council.

Subway Lunches are once a month! Ordering per month, per term or per year are all available.  For the 2015-2016 year, please see the calendar below:











Payment and order forms will be due at 9:00am SHARP on Wed Sept 16

Payment and order forms will be due at 9:00am SHARP on Wed Oct 7

Payment and order forms will be due at 9:00am SHARP on Wed Nov 4

Payment and order forms will be due at will 9:00am SHARP on Wed Dec 9

Payment and order forms will be due at 9:00am SHARP on Wed Jan 13

Payment and order forms will be due at 9:00am SHARP on Tues Feb 9

Payment and order forms will be due at 9:00am SHARP on Wed Mar 2

Payment and order forms will be due at 9:00am SHARP on Wed Apr 13

Payment and order forms will be due at 9:00am  SHARP on Wed May 11

Payment and order forms will be due at 9:00am SHARP on Tues Jun 7


Will be served on

Fri Sept 18

SUB LUNCH Will be served on

Fri Oct 9

SUB LUNCH Will be served on

Fri Nov 6

SUB LUNCH Will be served on

Fri Dec 11

SUB LUNCH Will be served on

 Fri Jan 15

SUB LUNCH Will be served on

Thurs Feb 11

SUB LUNCH Will be served on

Fri Mar 4

SUB LUNCH Will be served on

Fri Apr 15

SUB LUNCH Will be served on

 Fri May 13

SUB LUNCH Will be served on

 Thurs Jun 9











For Reference Only. Subject to change.

Peanut and Nut Allergies

In our school, we have a number of children who have life threatening allergies to peanuts and nuts. In the interest of providing a safe environment for these children, we ask for the support of teachers, parents and students in making our school a peanut and nut FREE environment.  More Information.

Other Food Allergies

When bringing fish or egg to school for lunch, it is important for the student to notify a Lunch Room Supervisor or a teacher so that proper seating arrangements in the lunch room can be made. Sharing of any food between students is not permitted in case of any allergies.

Classroom Celebrations 

The following sample list of foods can be brought in for celebration purposes. Always remember to check the label each and every time as ingredients can change. More Information

Anaphylaxis Policy - TDSB 

Your understanding and co-operation in ensuring the safest possible school environment for our children is appreciated. 
Anaphylaxis is a medical condition that causes a severe reaction to specific foods or other materials, and can result in death within minutes. More Information.

Weather Conditions / School Closures

The safety and welfare of students is a shared responsibility with parents and guardians. It is important for everyone to understand how the Board operates under unusual weather conditions. Please familiarize yourself with the school guidelines so that together, we can ensure the safety of the students entrusted in our care. 

Please listen to the radio in the morning. Any School Closures due to weather/power outages etc. will also be updated on the TDSB WebsiteWeather Info