Welcome to the 2023 - 2024 school year!
Leslieville is a very special school with a long history. The first school was a log cabin which opened in 1864. The principal of the day was Alexander Muir who wrote the song, "The Maple Leaf For Ever". We still value our history and traditions today. Since that time Leslieville has become a vibrant city community and it is reflected in our school.
As a staff, it is our goal to create a school culture where all students are valued and have a strong sense of belonging. It is also to help students develop self-discipline and a positive attitude towards learning and have confidence in their abilities so that they can become productive, caring, and responsible members of society. We strive to provide a learning environment where our students will be happy, successful, and challenged to think critically and communicate effectively
We recognize the importance of the collaborative role of both parents and staff in the education of students. We encourage positive, on-going communication so that together, parents and staff can work as partners towards the healthy development of each child. As your children progress through school, you can support and encourage them by taking an interest in their daily activities, having rich conversations, reading to your children, and monitoring homework completion. Participating in school-community activities and events will ensure a strong partnership between home and school.
We look forward to working with you to provide the best possible educational opportunities for each student. Thank you for your supportive partnership in your children’s education.
Steve Steers