While the Internet can be a great tool in enhancing one's knowledge and education, it is strongly recommended that parents pay close attention to what children are doing on the computer. The Toronto District School Board's ONLINE Code of Conduct must be agreed to and signed by a parent/guardian before a student can use the Internet at school. View the ONLINE Code of Conduct.
More information and safety tips can be found in the following links:
Toronto Police Website link and http://www.bewebaware.ca/english/default.html.
http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/parents/faq-parents.html ~ Government of Ontario
http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/index.cfm ~ Media Awareness
http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/relsites/elemen.html ~ Ministry of Educaiton
Primary Sites
A website to help students from junior kindergarten and up with their reading and language skills. Both parents and educators use the site to enhance student learning and to make learning more fun.
Educational math games.
Junior Sites
A wide variety of math games that cover topics such as mean, median and mode, fractions and geometry.
Interactive games that deal with multiplication facts. It could be fun for students who are struggling to learn their facts.
Activities for All Ages
Ontario curriculum-based site with games, activities and lessons for all ages and subjects. It is a great site for parents to explore with their children and it is advertisement free!
Fun games to help children practice their language skills. Activities, practice sheets, brain teasers and educational games among other useful items. It is a fun way for children to get extra practice or enrichment. Flashplayer is required for most of the games.
A website full of language activities for all ages.
Parents will find this site useful in keeping their children engaged over the summer.
Interactive games help to make children feel comfortable when reviewing and working on mathematical concepts.
For student (and parents) who may be struggling with a concept, this site is like a mini-review of what students have learned about a specific concept. It is a great site for visual learners, or for ESL/ELL learners who may need a bit of support at home.
Problem-solving takes centre stage as students engage in an interactive adventure trying to stop the evil plans of Dr. Villainy in his tracks. This site also has printable resources to use to help scaffold the learning between the computer and real life.