School Council

School Council


Upcoming Events Organized by the School Council






Cookie Days - January 24, February 7, February 21, March 7

Pizza Days - January 23, February 6, February 20, March 6

Sip & Social -Hot Chocolate for all served outside afterschool - January 29, February 26, March 26

Cookie  Pizza  Hot Chocolate



School Councils are an excellent way for parents to get involved in their child`s education. It is one of many ways to make meaningful home-school partnerships. 



The School Council is made up of an elected committee of parents, staff representatives, appointed community members, the principal, and a general membership which includes all parents/guardians of children attending the school. All Manhattan Park parents/caregivers are welcome to attend Council meetings. Topics of discussion relate to school improvement such as student achievement, curriculum goals and priorities, school budget priorities, school safety, renovation plans, and fundraising initiatives.

School Council Elections

Council Meeting


Council Roles


Policies, Procedures and Community Resources

School Councils

School Council Elections Video



TDSB: Parent Involvement Advisory Committee (PIAC)