

Regular attendance is vital to good academic performance. Students are expected to attend all classes for which they are registered and be on time.

The school is legally required to maintain an accurate attendance record for all students.

  • Attendance is taken at the beginning of each class period and sent to the office.
  • Students under 18 years of age are required to provide a note from their parent/guardian when absent from school. The note is to be given to the office immediately upon the student's return to school. 
  • In addition, we ask that parents call the attendance secretary on the day of their child's absence at 416-394-7110. This procedure will ensure that our automated phone system does not call home to report a missed class.
  • Students over 18 years of age are able to write their own notes and should also be calling the school if they are absent.

This system contacts the homes of students absent from one or more classes on any given day. Please ensure that any changes to your main contact telephone number are shared with the school.

Excused During the Day

Students who must leave before the end of the day must sign out through the main office. This obligation applies to all students even if they are leaving only for a short time and will be returning. They must sign out when leaving.

Attendance Photo