Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (March 31st 2020)
The OSSLT will be written by all Grade 10 students and students working towards an Ontario Secondary School Diploma throughout the province on March 31st, 2020. Successful completion of the OSSLT (i.e. a score of 300) or the completion of the OSSLC is a graduation requirement.
The purpose of the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) is to ensure that students have acquired the essential reading and writing skills that apply to all subject areas in the provincial curriculum up to the end of Grade 9.
Focus Skills of the OSSLT
The reading selections will focus on three reading skills: understanding explicitly (directly) stated ideas and information, understanding implicitly (indirectly) stated ideas and information, and making connections between information and ideas in a reading selection and personal knowledge and experience.
The short and long-writing tasks will focus on three writing skills: developing a main idea with sufficient supporting details, organizing information and ideas in a coherent manner, and using conventions (spelling, grammar, punctuation) in a manner that contributes to clear communication.