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Kindergarten Registration starts this January in the Toronto District School Board.
Kindergarten is the first step in a lifelong journey that will see your child learn, grow, achieve, and succeed at the Toronto District School Board. We look forward to sharing this journey with you and your child.
To Register for all Kindergarten Programs:
Kindergarten registration starts in January. We look forward to welcoming you and your child at our school in September!
To attend Junior Kindergarten in September, children must turn four years old by December 31. To register for Senior Kindergarten, children must be five years old by December 31. For more information about the Kindergarten program, registration requirements, and to complete an online registration, please visit:
If you have questions or are unable to complete the online registration independently, please contact us for assistance at 416 393-9770.
What do you need to register your child?
- Proof of age (birth certificate, Canadian passport, Canadian Citizenship card or certificate)
- Ontario Health Card (OHIP)
- Proof of Address (two pieces of identification that show your address, such as a telephone bill, utility bill, mortgage statement, rental or lease agreement , current purchase and sale agreement, property tax bill or notice of tax assessment, etc.)
- Immunization card (the card listing the needles your child has received)
- Verification of date of arrival, if your child was not born in Canada. Families who are permanent residents and refugee claimants may register directly at the school. Children without immigration status are welcome in our schools and information about them or their families will not be shared with immigration authorities. To register, please visit the International Programs and Admissions Office at 5050 Yonge Street, on the main floor, for TDSB School admission letter.