

Virtual Library

The place to find all your research needs! If you need passwords or other information please contact your child's teacher! 

What's Happening in the Library!

This month we are excited to start our Forest of Reading program at Muirhead PS.

Forest of Reading Nominees 2024


The Forest of Reading is Canada’s largest recreational reading program with over 270,000 participants every year. The goal: to develop a lifelong love of reading. The Forest has programs for all ages, and connects young people with stellar Canadian literature, as well as giving them the opportunity to vote for their favourite book. 

Here at Muirhead, we will be focusing our attention on three sub-programs in particular: 

Blue Spruce (K - Gr. 2 fiction)

Silver Birch Express (Gr. 3, 4 fiction and non-fiction)

Silver Birch Fiction (gr. 3 – 6)

For more information -