Bus Information

Bus Information  


Phased Start to Student Transportation

During the first week of school, only students with special education needs, excluding those in the gifted program, will be provided with student transportation;  It is expected that during the second week of school all other eligible students will be provided with student transportation, unless there is a significant driver shortage. Parents will receive a phone call from TSTG this week confirming their start date.


Transportation Portal : Access information specific to your child’s transportation, including route number, stop location, times and bus company contact details. http://bit.ly/owenbus

Toronto Student Transportation Group:

Phone: 416-394-4287
Fax: 416-394-3806
Email: transportation@torontoschoolbus.org 
Web: www.torontoschoolbus.org  
Delay Notifications: 

Route maps identifying all the stops on the large capacity buses are also available on the  Toronto Student Transportation Group website