Metrolinx Ontario Line Construction

Metrolinx Ontario Line Construction

Metrolinx has begun its early construction phase at Carlaw Avenue and Gerrard Street East, which is near Pape Avenue Junior Public School.

Regular meetings between school staff, TDSB central staff, and Metrolinx staff have been arranged to ensure our community continues to receive timely updates about Ontario Line construction and its impact on Pape Avenue JPS. 

A Community Liaison Committee (CLC) made up of Metrolinx staff, local elected officials, and community members has been established to meet monthly and address questions and concerns related to the construction of the Ontario Line East in our neighborhood. CLC meetings are open to the public. 

We encourage you to visit the Metrolinx website for more information and updates:

If you have any questions or concerns, or would like to attend CLC meetings, please contact Metrolinx directly at or 416-202-5100.

Construction Notice from Metrolinx: 

Please see the attached construction notice regarding Pape Avenue Junior Public School Pick-up Drop-off moving to Pape Ave.

What is happening?

• Starting on Tuesday February 18, 2025 the pick-up drop-off (PUDO) area for Pape Avenue Junior Public School (PAJPS) will return to Pape Avenue.

• The PUDO location is shifting to accommodate the upcoming sewer micro-tunneling launch shaft construction and laydown area on Riverdale Avenue. 


Visit the Pape Ave. Construction Liaison Committee webpage on the Metrolinx website for all CLC meeting notes and presentations to date.