Baked Samosa

By Muazzama Younussi
February 8, 2012
1 cup milk
1 cup vegetable oil
2 cups all purpose flour
1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon yeast
green onion or leek
black pepper and salt
Make the dough by mixing all the ingredients all together and put it aside for ten minutes,
Cut the spinach, onion and coriander and heat it with some vegetable oil in a pan until it is soft.
Make small rolls of the dough and put on a tray. Open it with your hand using some vegetable oil and fill them with the prepared inside.
Use a brush to put some egg yolk on top and put it in the oven for twenty minutes or until it is golden. The oven should be preheated and heat should be 350 F.
Kale Chips
To prepare the leaves:
Wash the kale in the sink (I use a Fruit and Vegetable wash product, especially if the kale is not organic – just follow the instructions). After rinsing, if you have time, you can let the kale dry like a big bouquet in a vase overnight (without water and not refrigerated). It’s OK if the leaves start to dehydrate. If you don’t have time to leave them out, use a salad spinner (after removing the leaves from the stalks) or use a towel to dry the kale. When you strip the leaves off the tough stalks, tear the leaves into large “chip” sizes as much as possible, remembering that the will shrink a lot. You can save the stalks for soup or other dishes.
To season the leaves:
Use 1-2 Tablespoons of olive oil per bunch of kale, and about 1 teaspoon of balsamic or other vinegar, or lemon juice, and any spices you like. (You can use other oils like sesame, or almond butter or tahini – see recopies online). You can season the leaves in a large bowl or in a clear plastic bag. Use your hands to massage the oil well into that curly leaves. Alternatively, you can put them in a covered container, and shake.
To roast the leaves:
Roast in pans in the oven. Use a low oven, about 225-275. If you have a convection oven setting, use it, because the hot breeze will help to dry the leaves. The low temperature will require a longer baking time, but then the leaves are less likely to bur than if you use 300 or higher. Check on the kale leaves and turn them occasionally. You will feel some of the edges start to get crispy, leaving more room for the rest to dry. Towards the end you can turn off the oven and let the rest of the kale dry as the oven cools.
Final seasoning:
Put all the kale in a bowl, add some sea salt, and toss to coat. Serve in bowls.
About kale:
Kale is one of the most nutritious vegetables. It is low in calories but high in fiber, vitamins A,C an K, calcium, a nearly complete set of amino acids, and antioxidants such as cartenoids. Kale actually provides more calcium per calorie than dairy foods. Research has shown that Calcium is better absorbed from kale than from milk.