
Lost and Found

Please check the lost and found located at the front doors of the school regularly.

It is a very good idea to label all of your child's belongings to we can return the items when they are sorted.

Items not claimed will be donated at the end of each month.







It's here! The new PERTH PARENT HANDBOOK 2022-23

Please read this handbook and use it as a reference throughout the year.






Password Troubleshooting



What is Password Manager?

  • A simple, secure, self-service web application that enables end users to reset their forgotten network password.

  • Users connect to Password Manager browsing to https://pmgr.tdsb.on.ca/PMuser or by clicking on the Forgot my Password link from a TDSB desktop, via the Windows login page or online from the Academic Workspace (aw.tdsb.on.ca) login page click on Forgot your password? Upon launching the application, users are prompted to answer a series of questions for which they have previously selected their secret answers.