Alumni & Wall of Fame

Runnymede Collegiate Institute Alumni
In 2002, as an outcome of Runnymede’s 75th Anniversary Reunion celebrations, reunion planning committee members expressed an interest in establishing an Alumni Committee as part of an effort to continue Runnymede connections and to plan future alumni events.
Alumni Committee Members:
Runnymede Collegiate Alumni Recognition Award
The monies raised during the 75th Anniversary Reunion in 2002 have allowed the Runnymede Alumni to introduce a yearly Runnymede Collegiate Alumni Recognition Award of two hundred and fifty dollars presented to a graduating student at Commencement.
Alumni Recognition Award Criteria:
- A graduating student
- A hard working student
- A student who gets along with others and is a positive mentor
- A good citizen of the school and in the community
- A student with a positive attitude and who has contributed in a positive wayto the life of Runnymede.
- The contribution criterion should not be limited to Athletics or Scholastic ability
Runnymede Alumni Fund
Former students wishing to contribute to the Runnymede Alumni Fund may contact: Runnymede Alumni Treasurer, Ray Moscoe at raym@tes.net
Contributions help to support and to recognize the achievements and successes of our eligible students.
Runnymede Wall of Fame
In May 2002, the Runnymede 75th Anniversary Reunion Committee introduced the Runnymede Wall of Fame to recognize and honour former graduates who have made significant contributions in some aspect of society: the sciences, business, professional sports, arts, media, and other fields.
This initiative has continued and each year, Runnymede recognizes a former Runnymede graduate who has achieved success and pushed the limits of his/her field.
The Wall of Fame has added significantly to our current students’ appreciation for the school’s rich history of academic excellence and community leadership. It provides current students with excellent role models and examples of the rewards of hard work and participation.
Nominations for New Wall of Fame Inductees
May be submitted to the school principal. Nominations are reviewed by the Runnymede Administration and the Alumni Committee. Upon approval of nomination, the nominee or nominee’s executor is invited to accept nomination which is then formally recognized in October Commencement Proceedings.
Inductees are presented with the Runnymede Wall of Fame Certificate.
Photo portraits and biographies of all inductees are displayed in the Wall of Fame Hallway near the Main Offices.
Click here for the Wall of Fame Nomination Form
Connecting and Communicating with Alumni Members and Runnymede Peers
Facebook &Twitter
As of 2011, Runnymede CI introduced additional avenues of communicationfor current and former staff and students of Runnymede.
Visit our Runnymede Facebook Account and/or Twitter for:
Runnymede News.
Please note that you do not need personal Facebook or Twitter Accounts to access or use the Runnymede Accounts.

On Saturday May 6, 2017 Runnymede C.I. celebrated its 90th Anniversary-reunion inviting former alumni, staff and members of the community to commemorate this occasion.
This was an opportunity to reconnect with classmates in the decade rooms, meet up with former teachers and enjoy a student sponsored barbecue. An assembly took place to recognize the school’s achievements during these 90 years.
Please visit our Runnymede Remembered group on Facebook…