List Of Active Clubs And Extracurriculars For 2023-24
Clubs offered at RCI
Announcement Club
BSA (Black Student Association) Club
Cheerleading Club
Dance Club
GSA (Gender and Sexuality Alliance) Club
MSA (Muslim Student Association) Club
Robotics Club (FIRST Robotics Competition Team 1310)
RUSTCO (Runnymede Student Council)
Tech Crew
Yearbook Club
Athletic Teams
Basketball – Girls Jr., Boys Varsity |
Badminton |
TBD at a later date |
Cross-Country |
Basketball – Boys Sr., Girls Sr. |
Ultimate – all gender, female |
Volleyball – Girls Jr., Girls Sr. |
Volleyball – Boys Jr., Boys Sr. |
Wrestling |

RUnnymede STudent COuncil, and is your voice in the school community. Made up of three Executive Members, and Eight Grad Representatives, RUSTCO hosts spirit events, represents student’s needs, and promotes change here at Runnymede. Without RUSTCO, student voice might go unnoticed in our community.
Stay tuned for our upcoming Grade Representative Elections. Want to know who’s running? Check it out here!
Student President: Maaz Hussein
Staff Advisor: Carlotta Lovell
Runnymede BSA (Black Student Association)

BSA Executive Council (S.Foster: President, A. Adams-Blackwood: Vice President, S. Magbanua: Secretary, C.Kyei: Reporter, K.Moore: Social Media Lead, M.Kumalo: Chairperson, A.Shettles-Worth: Tresurer, Historian: TBD)
Staff Mentors: B. Kennedy, R. Fine
The Runnymede BSA has had a tremendous impact on Runnymede’s school community. The group of over 30 students has taken on an integral leadership role in the school, creating connections between students, setting a positive, caring and inclusive atmosphere, and helping mentor and support students in the junior grades.
The Runnymede BSA’s mission is to bring together students who wish to spread the message of positive change and awareness into the school and school community. The BSA looks to challenge anti-black racism and has a tireless commitment to working on equity and inclusion initiatives. The groups focus has been on community, unity, diversity and trust, and has been led by a group of highly committed students, who understand the need to inform and educate the school and the wider-community.
THRIVE – Staff Advisor: K. McCrimmon
Glee Club – Staff Advisor:
Tech Crew – Staff Advisor: C. Kemp
Competitive Programming Team (CPT)– Staff Advisor: C. Kemp
Competitions: DMZ CanHack, High School Big Data Challenge, Global Ideas Institute, Skills Canada