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Shaughnessy Public School
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Principal's Message
Here are ten (of the many) reasons to be proud of your little neighborhood school:
Henry Farm children begin their educational journey at three or four years old just steps from their home, and enjoy the support of a welcoming school environment right up through the early teen years
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, for whom transitions are enormously challenging, may enter our community in grade one and stay until high school.
SPS embraces technology and media in all of its power, employing interactive whiteboards, chromebooks, school-wide Wi-Fi access.
Your child's teachers work long hours in powerful professional learning communities to consider and build staffing, budget, school improvement, student support, strategic intervention and innovative curriculum initiatives throughout the year (and often summer too!) High expectations + talented networked professionals = successful students.
Shaughnessy student athletes participate in both intramural and intraschool basketball, volleyball, track & field, cross country, baseball, and ultimate Frisbee activities.
SPS hosts energized and talented student teachers from different faculties of education throughout Ontario, many of whom return to volunteer post-placement as teacher assistants supporting your children.
Our students engage in a diverse range of leadership, community building, global awareness, Eco and social justice initiatives, all driven by a stated commitment to equity and diversity. These kids really are stewards of the planet they will inherit.
SPS walls are adorned with inspired artwork, reflecting the many artists, techniques and themes studied in visual arts classes across the grades, and manifesting a real value and appreciation for the arts.
The Shaughnessy school community reflects the safety and community spirit of Henry Farm.
SPS is a dynamic learning space, a site of ongoing critical dialogue about who we are and what we do - and how to do it even better. Drop by and see for yourself or better yet, get engaged in the dialogue: we are your community school.
Principal's Message