Terry Fox Run
Dear Timerbank Families,
Timberbank Junior Public School is on board with over 9,000 schools coast to coast to help continue Terry’s dream of a world without cancer.
Timberbank will once again be carrying on with Terry's Hope. Remember, we are running not only for Terry but for everyone whose lives have been affected by cancer. All the money donated will be donated to the Terry Fox Foundation of Hope. Please ensure your child(ren) is/are dressed appropriately.

Donations will be on the online portal. All Timberbank families are encouraged to donate just $5.00, in hopes that we can exceed our fundraising total from last year! Please contribute what you can. There are no minimum donations, and every dollar counts!
The Terry Fox Foundation needs our support. Please donate to:
https://schools.terryfox.ca/TimberbankJPSScarborough. Together, we can all make a difference! #terryfoxschoolrun @terryfoxfoundation