The Outdoor Learning Support to Schools Partnership provides an opportunity for up to 24 schools and approximately 50 host teachers across the TDSB to engage in curriculum-connected outdoor learning experiences in the schoolyard or within local green spaces. Together, the host teacher and the Outdoor Education Co-teacher, co-plan, co-teach and implement authentic curriculum-connected learning through the outdoors.
This initiative aims to improve the equity of access to the outdoors, while connecting the learning to students’ identities and lived experiences. Through this partnership, students explore their environment in meaningful, engaging and memorable ways.
In 2021, the first year of this partnership, TDSB’s research department was invited to evaluate the impact of outdoor learning on the following:
- curriculum and academic performance,
- personal and interpersonal growth and development,
- connection to the environment.
- Mental health and well-being.
The findings from the Outdoor Learning Support to School Partnership were captured in this report: A Collaborative Approach to Outdoor Learning Support in Schools and Collaborative Approach to Outdoor Learning Support to Schools follow-up report.
Read more about this partnership in our brochure.
To learn more about this support to schools contact:
David Hawker-Budlovsky, Centrally Assigned Principal