The Arts 12


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The Arts

At Don Mills, our arts education program offers vibrant experiential learning pathways for students. We focus on cultivating talents in Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Creative Writing, and Media Studies. Our dedicated educators inspire and guide students in their artistic pursuits. Through hands-on experiences and theoretical exploration, students enhance their artistic skills and understanding. Clubs, teams, and community events provide extensions beyond the classroom, fostering artistic literacy, numeracy, and creative proficiency. We actively engage in district-wide arts events and international competitions, broadening students' artistic horizons. Field trips and guest speakers enrich students' learning by exposing them to real-world artistic contexts. We welcome contributions and sponsorships to support our students' involvement in regional and international artistic endeavors, enabling them to flourish creatively.

In our arts courses offered by Don Mills, students have access to dedicated facilities that facilitate both hands-on artistic practice and theoretical exploration, contributing to their experiential learning. Through participation in various arts clubs, teams, and community events, they expand their literacy, numeracy, and artistic proficiency. Engaging in district-wide arts events and international competitions enriches their artistic growth. Our students also benefit from the insights shared by guest speakers and the real-world context of field trips. Teachers continuously update course materials, offering relevant resources to support student learning. Your recommendations for enriching our arts program with unique opportunities are highly valued. The painting on the right was painted by Sambhavi Tripathi in grade 12, CyberARTS.



Arts @ Don Mills

Courses Summary

Our arts education program offers diverse pathways, spanning from visual arts to performing arts and creative writing. Students delve into various artistic mediums, honing their skills and expressing themselves creatively. They explore techniques, theories, and historical context, while also engaging in hands-on projects and artistic collaborations. The curriculum encourages artistic growth, nurtures individuality, and fosters a deeper appreciation for the arts as a form of self-expression and cultural enrichment.


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