Westway Junior Public School

Westway Junior School

Welcome to our school web site.
School logo 
            We've Gone Cashless! We are now a ‘cash-less’ school! Payments for all school activities can now be made on-line. Information about this can be found on the reverse side of the first page of your package.  Please review this sheet if you are having difficulties. You can sign up or sign-in here: https://tdsb.schoolcashonline.com/Home/SignIn    

    We are a model school!          

Weather Conditions and recesses

Winter weather conditions sometime warrant indoor recess, lunch and pre-entry periods for the safety of students and staff. Refer to the following guidelines:

When temperature and/or wind chill factor indicates -28C or lower, students will remain indoors due to risk of frostnip and frostbite.

When temperature and/or wind chill factor indicates –20 to –28C, recesses may be shortened to 10 minutes and lunch recess be 20 minutes depending on local conditions. Students should be monitored for signs of frostnip, frostbite or difficulty breathing.