Parent Volunteers

Volunteering at Westway~Parents Making a Difference!

When you volunteer, you make a choice about the kind of community you want to live in. 

(Quote from Carol Timmings, Chair of Student Nutrition Toronto) 

We send out heartfelt gratitude to all the parent volunteers at Westway who constantly contribute to a vibrant learning community. At our last Parent Council meeting, we discussed the positive benefits of volunteering on our children. These were some of the thoughts shared along with a message from Arifa Khan, our Snack Co-Ordinator and the Snack team.

  •  My children enjoy spotting me in the hallways, and seeing me care about their school encourages them in their work.
  •  Volunteering is a key that turns the lock and opens the door to the world of education our kids are in every day.
  • When we are participating at the school, we experience the same learning environment that they experience, and am aware of the policies,   strategies and directions that shape my children’s learning.
  • There is an opportunity to interact with teachers and develop a relationship as partners who have shared goals in my children’s success.

Volunteering Fast Fact! 

Our snack program happens each day in partnership with Student Nutrition Toronto. This program supports 776 nutrition programs across Toronto, thanks to over 4000 volunteers who feed over   175,000 children who participate. (Facts from Student Nutrition Toronto)