Nutrition Program

Nutrition (snack) Program:

What is the snack program?

With the support from the Toronto Foundation for Student Success, Willow Park Junior Public School operates a healthy snack program.  It is our goal to provide a nutritious snack to students from grades K to 6 every weekday morning and afternoon, beginning Monday, September 20th 2021.

Why offer a snack program?

Research and studies have shown that children, even more than adults, need to have nutritious food in the morning because of their high metabolic rate.  Without adequate morning nutrition, children suffer from fatigue, irritability, stomach and headaches, and an inability to concentrate, which prevents them from learning.

What types of snacks will be served?

Our plan is to provide the students with healthy food from as many of the four food groups as possible, keeping in mind the dietary restrictions of our students.  By serving a variety of snacks we hope to introduce our students to healthy food options that may be different from what they are accustomed to in the hope that they will be able to recognize, for themselves, healthy food options at home that they may not have previously considered.  These snacks may include yogurt, crackers and cheese with fruit, or bagels with cream cheese, and carrot sticks.

Who will pay for the snacks?

Toronto Foundation for Student Success has provided us with some funding for snacks.  Our snack program cannot function without consistent parent contributions.  As a result, money will be collected from students.

All students are asked to pay $25 for September to December, and $25 for January to June, or $45 for the school year.  The Snack program will operate only as long as funds are sufficient.

Parents/Guardians, we NEED for you to pay your child's contribution as the program
cannot be sustained without your help.

How do we enroll?

Forms will be sent home with each student during the first week of school,  but if you don't receive one, obtain a registration form from the office.  Please fill in one registration form for each child and return it to school as soon as able.


Thank you for your partnership in promoting healthy eating for your child(ren).