Children need an opportunity to get exercise and free play time outdoors, however, weather
conditions sometimes warrant that indoor recesses, lunch periods and pre-entry periods be considered
necessary for student and staff safety.
Conditions warranting indoor recesses:
(a) Rain, thunderstorms, lightning, hail, extreme winds and extreme cold.
(b) Cold weather: When temperature and/or windchill factor indicates -28C or lower children
will remain indoors due to risk of frostnip and frostbite.
When an extreme cold weather alert is issued or when temperatures and/or windchill factor
indicates –20 to –28C, recesses may be shortened to 10 minutes and lunch recess be 20
minutes depending on local conditions. Children should be monitored closely for signs of
frostnip, frostbite or difficulty breathing.
(c) Humidity, Heat and Smog Alerts: The City of Toronto issues heat alerts and heat emergencies
based on the daily forecast from May to September. Alerts are posted on the Web
site or available by calling (416) 338-7600. Staff and students
should be vigilant about their level of activity and should take frequent breaks for water in
order to remain adequately hydrated.
Other conditions:
Weather conditions change during the day. When necessary and if the weather is questionable,
the school principal will consult the Environment Canada’s or Toronto
Public Health Web sites for information.