Throughout the year it is very likely that we will experience rainy or extremely cold weather. Please ensure that on these days your children do not arrive at school too early. Arriving five minutes prior to the bell would be best.
On days when the weather is a factor, the children will be kept inside during recess. When the temperature and/or windchill factor indicates extremely low temperatures, children will remain indoors due to risk of frostnip or frostbite.
In the event of extreme weather conditions and unsafe travelling conditions, classes could be cancelled by the T.D.S.B. Should this occur, the T.D.S.B. will make every attempt to inform parents as soon as possible through announcements that will be aired on local radio stations, such as CFRB 1010.
Should a severe storm develop after the start of classes and there is an early school closing, no student will be permitted to leave the school until adult supervision for them has been verified by telephone or by personal contact with a parent or guardian.