Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather, as they will be expected to spend some time each day outdoors. In the winter, appropriate dressing means the use of hats, gloves/mittens and boots. All students are expected to go outside for recesses.

It is essential that all students wear shoes inside the building at all times, and so students should have a pair of indoor shoes to leave in the classroom. In the event of an emergency such as fire or even a fire drill, students will not be allowed to stop and put on shoes or boots. The chances of slipping on a floor are also reduced with proper footwear. Running shoes are necessary for all gym classes.
As we always have a significant number of items in our lost and found area it is advisable to label backpacks, lunch bags, shoes, boots and articles of clothing, with your child's name. Possessions not claimed by the end of each term are donated to a local charity.