

The T.D.S.B. permits the administration of medication to students during school hours, only in the following situations:

  • the medication is required for the student to continue to attend school 
  • the medication, by necessity, must be taken during school hours
  • it is not appropriate for the student to self-administer the medication
In order for any student who meets the above conditions to receive medication at school, a parent or legal guardian must give written authorization, with clearly written instructions from a physician. The physician and parent or guardian must complete the appropriate T.D.S.B. form, which can be obtained from the Cornell school office (416-396-6175).

All medication must be given to the principal, vice-principal or office administrator to be stored in an appropriate area. No medication is to be kept in the possession of the student, with the exception of inhalers to control asthma, and in some situations epipens. Students carrying these items must be instructed to never share them with anyone and must know how to use them safely and correctly.

To download the Medical Information Form, click here!