Throughout the year, students may have the opportunity to participate in excursions that will extend their learning and enhance classroom programs.
Most excursions will have a cost. Lack of funds should not be a reason for any child to be excluded from a trip. Should cost be a factor in your decision not to permit your child to take part in an organized excursion, please contact your child's teacher or the office and other arrangements can be made to cover the cost. All cases will be dealt with in a confidential and sensitive manner.
Prior to each excursion, parents/guardians will receive a permission form detailing the purpose, destination, time, special requirements, transportation arrangements, supervision and cost of the excursion. One copy of this form must be completed, signed and returned to the classroom teacher by the due date. Written permission is required for all students to participate in any excursion. For those children who have epipens or inhalers, these items must be taken on every excursion.