Everyone learns most effectively in a safe environment. To that end, we know that home and school must work together as active partners to maintain a safe learning environment and to help each student develop the self-discipline, appropriate behaviours, and skills necessary to become responsible members of a democratic society. In accordance with Ministry and Board policies and procedures, our guidelines, expectations, and rules are designed to help students develop these attributes.
In the schoolyard, we work hard to ensure student safety. Guidelines for safe yard use are regularly brought to the attention of our students through announcements, in-class instruction and close supervision on the yard. We anticipate that parents and caregivers will support our guidelines, review them with their children and reinforce them when using the schoolyard outside school hours.
Rough body contact in sports and games is not permitted. This includes play-fighting, pushing, shoving, wrestling, body-checking, kicking, etc.
Bullying, through physical aggression or teasing, is not tolerated at North Agincourt. We emphasize that students use only respectful language and tone.
Behaviour that threatens the safety or well-being of anyone at North Agincourt is taken very seriously. When negative behaviours such as bullying, discrimination, hateful words or physical violence occur, the school staff will respond appropriately to ensure the safety and well-being of our students, staff, and community.
Depending on the nature of the specific incident, the consequences for negative behaviour may include reprimands and warnings, detentions, in-school suspensions, withdrawal from activities or events, formal suspensions, police involvement, and, in rare cases, recommendations for expulsion from the Toronto District School Board.
Student Expectations
∙ to be treated with respect and dignity by all members of the school community
∙ to be offered a well-rounded course of study
∙ to learn in an environment where they feel safe and secure and where individual differences are recognized and respected
Parent Expectations
∙ to be treated with respect and dignity by all members of the school community
∙ to receive regular communication from the school regarding student progress, attendance, and behaviour
∙ to be kept informed of school activities and initiatives
Staff Expectations
∙ to be treated with respect and dignity by all members of the school community
∙ to have the support and co-operation of parents, staff, and students while fulfilling their responsibilities to provide a quality educational experience for all children
∙ to work in an environment where they feel safe, secure and where individual differences are recognized and respected
Student Responsibilities
▪ to show respect for themselves and others, the school and its property, and the property of others
▪ to come to school prepared, on time, and ready to learn
▪ to refrain from behaving in any manner which may compromise the safety of themselves or others
▪ to follow the established rules and take responsibility for their own actions
Parent Responsibilities
▪ to support the efforts of school staff in maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment for all students
▪ to become familiar with the school's Code of Conduct, and to assist their children in following these guidelines designed for everyone's safety and enjoyment
▪ to ensure that their children attend school regularly, on time, appropriately dressed, and well-prepared to learn
▪ to communicate regularly with the school and to promptly report their children's absence or late arrival
Staff Responsibilities
▪ to show respect for themselves and others, the school and its property, and the property of others
▪ to offer a quality educational experience to all students and help them work to their full potential and develop their self-worth
▪ to maintain and enforce consistent standards of behaviour for all students
▪ to communicate regularly and meaningfully with parents
In the event that some older students may have a cell phone, they are not permitted to use their cell phones during school hours. They are forbidden from taking pictures of staff or students without permission. The North A staff discourage cell phones from being brought to school as our students do not require them. Any cell phones that are brought to school must be powered off and placed in their backpacks for safe keeping. The school is not responsible for lost or damaged cell phones.
Please go over the rules with your child(ren). Cooperation with parents and staff enables us to create a school environment where all can flourish, as we are all on board about abiding by the rules and maximizing our time in enhancing positive relationships with one another.
Student Communication During the School Day
We are kindly requesting that parents refrain from texting, calling or messaging their child during the instructional day.
Instructional time in the classroom is very valuable, parents are asked to call the school in the event of an emergency. Should any parent need to contact their child, please call the office at 416-396-6490 and we will ensure that they are connected with you.