University Pathway

University Pathway

Welcome to the University Pathway Page!

The following links below will help guide you through the process to plan and apply to universities in Ontario. 

Please note: You can only apply to university once you receive your OUAC Personal Identification Number (PIN).  See your counsellor for more information.

Important Files

ACCI University Application Package 2016-2017 - a helpful resource to help you apply to university!

ACCI Common Questions and Answers - a list of common questions and answers, and links to where you can find more answers to your questions!

E-Info Program Requirement Charts - prerequisites required to get into Ontario University programs

Additional Admission Criteria - compiled by E-Info

E-Info Complete Website Information - download this file to have quick access to program requirements, language assessments, residence information, and more!

Ontario Universities contact information


Electronic Info (E-Info)

Ontario Universities Application Centre (OUAC)

Collaborative University/College Programs

Degree Programs at Colleges

Programs Requiring Prior University Study

Transition Resource Guide - resource guide to ensure a successful transition to post-secondary for students with disabilities  Virtual tours of every University and College in Canada

Association of Universities and College of Canada:  Directory of Canadian Universities

Link to Ontario Universities

Macleans Magazine:  University Rankings

ONTransfer:  How to transfer credits in post-secondary institutions

Considering a Career in the Applied Health Sciences?  Visit the Michener Institute.