

e-Communication Sign Up

Student Services would like to communicate information to you via email!  We highly encourage you to sign up on one of the links below.  Please ensure you select the correct grade link!

Grade 9 e-Communication

Grade 10 e-Communication

Grade 11 e-Communication

Graduating this year, 2016-2017?

Attention grade 12 students! Please complete the link below. Student Services will be emailing you important information regarding post-secondary pathways. You are highly encouraged to sign up!

Grade 12 - eCommunication

Language Assessment - Grade 12 Students

Are you planning to write IELTS or TOEFL to be considered for admissions to Ontario Colleges and Universities?  PTE may be an option for you!

Complete the information in the link below, and you will receive an email from Mr. Ahmad with login information to do the practice PTE assessment online - for free!

PTE Signup

The deadline to signup for this practice assessment is Friday, December 9, 2016.


Click on the Getting Started Guides to create an account and get started!

Student Guide

Parent Guide

Homework Help

 Sign up for free online math tutoring through Homework Help.

Homework Help will be organizing an Open House on February 10 - 12, from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm.  Visit the website for more information!