Bendale’s Rules and Student Responsibilities
Notes for Absences
If a student misses a class, he/she must bring a note from his/her parent or guardian or his/her parent or guardian may telephone the school office to provide an acceptable reason for the absence.
Students that “skip” classes or are frequently late for classes can expect that their behaviour will have consequences. Students will be counselled about the absence, their parent or guardian may be telephoned, they may be given a detention in order to catch up on missed work. Classes that are missed without an acceptable reason may result in letters to parents being sent home, referrals to their Vice Principal and referrals to the TDSB Attendance Counsellor.
Leaving Class During Class Time
If a student is leaving a class during class time, he/she must ask for, and carry, a hall pass that informs the rest of the school staff of his/her destination.
Signing Out
All students must sign out at the office if they are leaving before the end of the school day.
To sign out you must:
Bring a note from your parent or guardian and show it to your teacher
Bring the note to the main office and show it to the secretary on duty
Wait until the secretary has entered your absence in the computer
If you do not bring a note, a parent or guardian must be called from the main office and must speak to the secretary on duty before you are allowed to sign out.
Signing In
If you return to school after signing out, you must also sign in at the office. This will prevent the automated telephone system from reporting you absent when you are really in school.
Late for School
You are late for school if you are not in your first period class by 8:55 a.m..
If you arrive less than 15 minutes late for first period, go directly to class. After 9:15 please come to the office and sign in.
If you arrive to school after second period starts, go to the office for a late slip, go to class and show the late slip to your teacher.
Late for Class
You have 5 minutes to get from one class to the other. If you are longer than these 5 minutes, you are late for class and you will be marked late on the teacher’s attendance sheets and the automatic telephone system will call home.
Course Policies
At Bendale, we emphasize experiential learning. Many projects and assignments are completed in class so that the resources of the building can be used by students. At home, students should regularly review their notes and course information as well as read independently. Teachers will provide additional homework upon request. Students can get extra help after school from their teachers.
Formal summative evaluations are part of course evaluation. These consist of culminating activities that occur within the last few weeks of a course as well as scheduled examinations.
Students who are ill during these evaluations may be excused or have alternative assignments only if a medical note from a doctor is provided to their Vice Principal.
Students who miss a final evaluation and who do not have a medical note will receive a mark of zero (0) for that evaluation.
Students who are late for an evaluation will not be given additional time to complete their evaluation and must stop their work at the time that all other students stop working.
No outerwear, electronic devices or cellphones may be brought to a final evaluation.
Any student whose IEP offers additional support for evaluations will be provided with those supports.
Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting
In the TDSB, it is expected that evaluation is fair, consistent and clear. Students should have many opportunities to demonstrate their learning skills and work habits as well as their understanding of the curriculum.
Academic Honesty
All students are expected to hand in their own work.
Plagiarism means that a student has taken someone else’s work or ideas and is saying that it is their own. This is not acceptable and has consequences. If you are using someone else’s ideas or words on a test it is called cheating and it is never acceptable.
Your teacher may give a mark of zero (0) for any test or assignment that you have plagiarized or cheated on. The parents/guardians of students under the age of 18 will be telephoned.
Course Field Trips
Students are expected to attend and participate in all field trips that are part of the course curriculum. They are expected to complete any missed work from their other courses. Not attending a field trip may result in the field trip assignment being given a mark of zero (0). Parents should contact the school if they have questions about any course field trip.
Other Expectations
Excursions including Course Field Trips
For students to participate in excursions, whether for courses or for co-curricular activities, excursion forms must be signed by a parent or legal guardian unless the student is at least 18 years of age.
Appropriate School Dress
Students must wear safety clothing specified for a given class such as protective eyewear, closed-toed shoes etc.
All clothing must be appropriate in style and message. References to drugs, alcohol, sexuality, criminal activity or disrespectful messages are not appropriate. Students will be required to change or cover inappropriate clothing.
The school is not responsible for items that are lost or stolen.
All students will be issued a locker and are expected to use it. Students should not share lockers. This is for your own security. Use only a good quality combination lock. If you do not have a lock, good locks can be purchased at many office and drug stores. Do not share your combination with anyone.
All outerwear, large bags and backpacks should be stored in your locker.
Skateboards, rollerblades, or other sports equipment should be stored in your locker for the school day.
It is the Principal’s responsibility under the Education Act to ensure health and safety in the school. A Principal or Vice Principal has the authority to examine the contents of any locker at any time it is considered necessary.
Bicycles must be stored outside of the building.
Gambling is not permitted on school property.
By Provincial law, it is illegal for anyone to smoke on school property at any time. Even holding a lit cigarette is not allowed. Consequences for smoking on school property can include school discipline as well as having tickets issued by a Tobacco Enforcement Officer.
Personal Electronics
Personal electronics may be used in the classroom only with the permission of the Teacher in the classroom and only for the purposes approved by the Teacher.
Students should not be recorded by other students on cell phone without permission.