Day Structure

The Timetable

Entry Time: 09:00 


Time Begins: 09:05 

Period 1: 09:05 to 09:35 30 Minutes 

Home Room: O'Canada / Announcements

Transition: 09:35 to 09:36 Interval Time: 1 minute

Period 2: 09:36 to 10:16 40 Minutes

Transition: 10:16 to 10:17 Interval Time: 1 minute

Period 3: 10:17 to 10:57 40 Minutes

Transition: 10:57 to 10:58 Interval Time: 1 minute

Period 4: 10:58 to 11:38 40 Minutes

Lunch: 11:38 to 12:33 1 Hour Lunch

Entry: 12:33 to 12:38

Period 5: 12:38 to 1:18 (40 Minutes)

Transition: 1:18 to 1:19 Interval Time: 1 minute

Period 6: 1:19 to 1:59 40 Minutes

Transition: 1:59 to 2:00 Interval Time: 1 minute

Period 7: 2:00 to 2:40 40 Minutes

Transition: 2:40 to 2:41 Interval Time: 1 minute

Period 8: 2:41 to 3:11 40 Minutes

Dismissal: 3:11