
Important Information


Junior and Senior Kindergarten is a mixed grouped 2-year program for the 4 and 5 year old child.  It provides the foundation for learning that the Ministry Curriculum can build upon in future years.

Each child’s development and growth is unique and milestones of learning occur at different times for individual children.  The Kindergarten program provides an environment that nurtures the child to progress in the four developmental areas of physical, intellectual, social and emotional growth.

We are committed to providing Kindergarten programs based on the child’s most natural way of interacting with the world – through play – the most vital component of early childhood where children learn about themselves and their world.  Children learn by doing.  Learning centres provide the opportunity for children to actively engage in experience-based learning.

Components of the Kindergarten Program

Whole Group Time
- Reading - Teacher Read Aloud, Shared Reading of big books, poems, charts, daily letters
- Writing - Shared writing of daily letter, stories, charts, personal experiences
- Development of Math and Science Concepts such as sorting, graphing, measurement, patterning, understanding of natural occurrences (falling of leaves in autumn), patterns and cycles in the natural world, differences between living and non-living things, etc.

- Recall and repeat familiar songs, dance steps and rhymes
- Keep a steady beat
- Move in response to music
- Explore and appreciate musical instruments

Sand/Water Centre
- Explore and experiment
- Measuring (mass, volume)
- Observing, describing, properties and changes
- Develop language, math and scientific vocabulary
- Investigate relationships and think scientifically
- Take part in dramatic play and develop social skills

Snack Centre
- Allows children to self-regulate their hunger needs and engage in decision making
- Opportunities to communicate with others
- Use language and numeracy skills with snack menu

Dramatic Centre/Puppets
- Develop self-esteem, confidence
- Social skills, cooperation and sharing
- Oral language development
- Role playing - take on roles and responsibilities and explore thoughts and feelings of different characters
- Allows children to make sense of their world
- Problem-solve and communicate with others

Art Studio
- Allows children to express their sense of self and interpretation of the world
- Use and experiment with a variety of materials, tools, and techniques
- Experiment with elements of design – line, colour, shape, texture
- Develop fine motor skills and hand eye coordination
- Develop language by describing, retelling

Blocks Centre/ Bin Toys (Small Manipulatives)
- Design, plan and create
- Develop spatial concepts
- Explore math concepts
- Use language to describe

Math Centre
- Opportunities to explore math concepts
- Sort different objects
- Count items and develop number sense
- Interact with others and problem solve

Library/Book Exchange
- Develop an interest in books and literature
- Learn to choose their own reading materials

- Develop hand-eye coordination
- Develop mouse control skills
- Experiment with a variety of programs

Discovery (Science) Centre
- Exploration and experimentation of natural materials
- Use of tools such as magnifying glasses
- Simple experiments
- Learn about living and non-living things
- Make predictions, ask questions, investigate and draw conclusions
- Observe and record what they see
- Construct an understanding of our world        

Outdoor Play/ Physical Education
- Locomotion skills – running, jumping, climbing, bike riding
- Large and small muscle development
- Ball handling skills – kicking, throwing, catching
- Strength, control, balance, flexibility
- Personal safety
- Spatial awareness, sense of personal space
- Learn to take turns and problem solve

- Build oral language when retelling stories
- Learning that print has meaning, carries a message
- Develop fine motor skills
- Alphabet awareness
- Printing name, letters, words
- Sound/symbol connections
- Use a variety of writing materials to develop concepts of writing

Family Fridays - On the last Friday of each month the Kindergarten classes invite one family member to come in at a designated time to enjoy in a learning experience with the children.  Past Family Fridays have included creating a book, making a mural for the hall, a snuggle up and read event in the library, an Early Years Concert and a play day.  We hope to see you at some of our Family Fridays.

How can I help my child? The TDSB clearly states that students in Kindergarten should not receive homework. Students will not receive any specific homework in our class. The most important thing that you can do is read with your child every day. Reading to your children in English and in their first language is important and necessary for developing literacy skills.