Room 10

Welcome to Room 10

Welcome to Room 10

I have posted some information for Grade 1's and Grade 2's.  I have also posted our weekly schedule.

Mr. Volpato

Class Rules and Agreements

Classroom Expectations and Rules

1. Please use your inside voice in the classroom 2.Respect each other at all times.
3. Do not speak while the teacher or another student is talking.
4. “Think” before you “Act”!
5. Always be safe in the classroom.
6. “Hands off” at all times.

Our Four Classroom Agreements

1. Mutual Respect 2. Appreciation / No Put Downs
3. Attentive Listening
4. The Right to Pass

These rules, expectations and classroom agreements are to promote a safe and supportive learning environment for our class. Please take the time to go over these rules and expectations with your child.


Assessment is a key component to ensure students’ progress and guide my teaching. I use a combination of rubrics, written assignments, observations, projects, performance tasks, tests and daily work to assess students. I will be providing written and oral feedback to students on assignments to guide them on specific ways to improve their work. This is called descriptive feedback. Students will be learning to select their best work using specific criteria, and their best work will be included in their portfolios. A key tool students are learning to use is “Success Criteria”. These charts allow students to self-assess their work and identify concrete ways to improve it.

Homework, Agendas, Parent/Student/Teacher Log (Red Duotang):

On Mondays, students will receive their homework plan and weekly events in their Parent/Student/Teacher Logs (Gr. 1) or Agendas (Gr.2). This homework plan can include spelling words study, due dates for spelling work and math homework, reading, writing assignments and Math Review. Please go over your child’s Log every Monday night and help them organize how and when they will plan to do their homework. Throughout the week, students may be asked to add more entries into their Logs, so please try your best to check the Agendas / Logs on a daily basis. Also, the Agenda / Log is a great way for parents to communicate with me as I check them daily.

Take Home Reading Program:

Overall, I am satisfied with how this program has started out. Most students have been bringing back their books on a weekly basis and some on a bi-weekly basis, so thank you for your support there. You may have noticed that the reading levels of the books may seem a little easy and the reason for that is because I want to make sure that I’m filling in all of the gaps. Eventually, all students will be at their appropriate level (most are by now) and go through each cycle. A useful suggestion that I would recommend would be to keep a log of any words that your son/daughter had some difficulty reading and create word lists that you can fall back on. Also, thank you for filling out the Assessment Sheets which I am collecting and eventually will give back to all the students. In addition, within the next week students will be given a Take-Home reading duotang/folder where there will be a simpler monitoring system. For now, please make sure that your son/daughter bring the book back with the assessment sheet filled out, has your signature and that it is in the bag.