Room 5

Grade 2 & 3 
(Room 5 - Ms. Quan) 

The Grade 2 and 3 students worked together to create a code of conduct that we all strive to follow. 


 We show respect to: 

● Our country
● Nature and the environment 
● Personal space 
● Personal opinions 
● Personal belongings 
● Our room 


We listen: 

● With our ears, eyes and heart 
● When others are speaking 
● With our undivided attention 



 Before we speak, we THINK. We ask ourselves if what we are about to say is:

● True 
● Helpful 
● Inspiring 
● Necessary 
● Kind 


If our words are missing any of these, we do our best to refrain from saying them.



Our Goals 

● Allergy awareness 
● Kindness in our daily lives 
● To treat people the way we want to be treated 


Our Learning Environment

If you were to walk into room 6 you would hear, see and feel… 

● The buzz of students working and learning together at the carpet, desks and other areas throughout the room 
● A shared space where student voice, opinions and thoughts are heard and valued 
● A community of learners who share responsibilities such as healthy noise monitors, carpet monitors and tidy helpers 
● An environment where students can openly solve conflicts when they arise