Entry and Exit
In an effort to increase safety, all of our exterior doors are now locked. To further enhance this feeling of security, we are asking that parents use the front doors located off of Chartland Blvd S. when entering the building. Please ring the bell located on the right hand side. If you are dropping off a lunch for your child, when you enter the front of the building, please check in at the office and leave the lunch on the bench.
Student Absence
When students will not be attending school, please call the Absence Reporting Phone Line @ 416-396-6140, and press 1. Please take the time to leave a clear message that includes:
- student's first and last name
- student's grade level
- teacher's name
It would be appreciated if you could call the night before the absence or before 8:00 a.m. on the morning that your child will be absent. Following this procedure helps us ensure that your children arrive at school safely.
Entry and Dismissal
Students should be dropped off and picked up at their entry/exit doors at 8:25 a.m. and 3:10 p.m. They enter and leave through the same doors every day. We ask that you remain outside at these very busy times. This reduces the number of unidentified adults in the school. It is difficult for us to know who is a caregiver and who is not. Please assist us keep our students safe.