Parents / School Council


        Our first school council meeting has not yet been scheduled.

Share Your Voice About Parent and Community Engagement!

We are reviewing our current Parent and Community Involvement Policy(External link) to help set standards, improve consistency and further develop meaningful approaches to parent and family engagement. We want – and need – to hear from you. Your voice will help develop and draft this policy in a way that is meaningful, relevant and valuable to you, our parent community.

Please register for the P023 Policy Co-drafting Party here

Research tells us that parent and family engagement and involvement is critical to a student’s success in school. It also tells us that there are different types of engagement, not all engagement leads to student success and families engage in different ways.

Our challenge is to move towards a policy that enables us to respect and value the ways in which all our families engage and ensure that as a Board, we are committed to supporting that relationship, ensuring that parents and caregivers have the resources and opportunities they need and want to participate in their child’s education.

Let’s get started! More information available on TDSB's Engagement portal