Morning Bus Schedule
Please note that there are 4 bus pick-up times for your child in the morning between 8:13 am and 8:32am. Be on time to board your child on the buses. If you have not boarded your child by 8:32am, you will be responsible for getting your child to school.
Once a bus is at its passenger capacity, no additional students are permitted to get on the bus.
Behaviour on Buses - A Student's and Parent's Responsibility
- Stand on the sidewalk, one metre from the curb, waiting in a safe and orderly manner
- Be punctual in arriving at the bus pick-up point
- Behave in a courteous and responsible manner while waiting for, boarding, riding on and leaving a school bus
- Co-operate and follow the bus riding rules
- Get on and off the bus in an orderly manner
- Remain seated while the bus is in motion
- Co-operate with those people responsible for the bus transportation
- Walk a safe distance from the bus immediately upon leaving the vehicle
- (Parents) Be sure to have someone meet your child at the bus stop
- Understand that busing is a privilege which may be withdrawn by the principal if student behaviour is considered unacceptable or unsafe and continues despite warnings

For more information about Student Transportation...
here for the link to the TDSB site.