Dorset Park Students care about their school, their community and the world. We are a K- Grade 8 school that includes 4 ISP (Intensive Support) classes as a valued part of our school community. They include a Diagnostic Kindergarten Class, a Primary DD Class, Junior DD Class and an Intermediate DD class.
Under Ms. Coleman's leadership, the Hummingbirds Club will once again partner with the Momiji Japanese Cultural Centre - a retirement home that services the elderly of Japanese descent. Ms. Coleman connects with the administration of the Momiji Centre to provide students with rich experiences where Momiji residents and Dorset Park students can connect and learn from one another, between diverse cultures and generations.
Ms. Ho has taken on the role as the lead teacher for our Eco-Club. Staff and students are coming together to find ways to reduce Dorset Park PS' environmental footprint. For example, the Eco-Club has ordered mulch to be distributed around all of our trees in the back schoolyard. This will help to retain water and protect the roots of our wonderful trees. Stay tuned for more info as the school year progresses.
Our students enjoy hands-on learning experiences such as inquiry-based learning, hosting Scientists in the Schools, raising butterflies and engaging in outdoor learning activities. They also enjoy getting out in the community to explore and get active.
Our library is a welcoming and vibrant space. This year students have enjoyed creating in our maker space as well as making connections between their classroom and the library. We have edited all of our resources to ensure they are current and Culturally Relevant and Responsive (CRRP). Do you have a book suggestion? Let us know. We would be happy to consider adding it to our growing library.
Our students love their sports! This year, students have had the opportunity to play volleyball, bordenball, basketball, soccer, badminton, ultimate frisbee, rugby as well as competing in cross-country and various track and field events at Birchmount and Variety Village. Thank you to the many teachers who have given their time to organize and run these events.
Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning 'humanity to others'. It is often described as reminding us that 'I am what I am because of who we all are'. Umbutu values life, dignity, compassion, humaneness harmony and reconciliation. At Dorset Park we strive to show respect and compassion to all in our school community.
We value our volunteers. Thank you to the many parents/caregivers, police officers, retired teachers and community helpers who have given of their time to come read with our students and support them in the various initiatives we have introduced at our school. If you would like to volunteer, please contact our main office: 416-396-6205.
Our primary method of communicating with parents/caregivers is through email. Please ensure we have your most recent email in our system so you can stay informed of the goings on at Dorset Park.
If you need to reach me directly, please send me an email at constance.hammond@tdsb.on.ca.
Ms. Hammond