Duke Physical Education & Athletics

Duke Athletics


Duke of Connaught Physical Education

"Where fun happens"


Ms. Oliveira  

Ms. Newman

Mr. Pedlar


Hello DUKE! 


Below you will find some useful information for this school year:


1. Running shoes are mandatory for HPE class.  No boots, sandals, crocs, ballet flats etc.  Shoes must have toes covered and some sort of laces, Velcro, or strap to keep the shoe in securely.


2. Water Bottles: Please have your students bring their water bottles to class.  Access to water is limited to the water filtration fountain in the Woodfield building only.


duke logo

All Athletics permissions forms must be completed electronically using the Excursion Management Application (EMA).

Excursion Management Application

EMA Guide for parents 


Gr. 8 Badminton - Ms. Newman & Ms. Frost


Fri., Feb 21 @ 7:30am

Wed., Feb. 26 @ 2:45pm 

Wed.,, March 5 @ 2:45pm


Gr. 7 Badminton - Ms. Newman & Ms. Frost


Tues., Feb. 18 @ 2:45pm

Tues., Feb. 25 @ 2:45pm

Tues., March 4 @ 2:45pm





Juniors - Tuesdays & Thursdays @ lunch

Seniors - Mondays & Wednesdays @ lunch 




Gr. 5/6 Girls Volleyball - Mr. Boccia & Mr. Pedlar

Practices: Mondays and Wednesdays @ 7:30am (Woodfield Gym)

Tournamnent: Thursday, Feb. 20 @ Duke


Gr. 7/8 Girls Volleyball - Ms. Oliveira

Gr. 8 Team A 

Practices: Monday & Tuesday @ lunch (SH) 

Tournaments: Wednesday, Feb 5. @ Deer Park P.S. - 1st Place 

Quarterfinals: vs. D A Morrison (Thursday, Feb. 20 @ Duke)


Gr. 7

Practices: Tuesday @ 7:30am (SH) & Thursdays @ lunch (SH)

Tournament: Tuesday, Feb. 18 @ Cedarvale P.S.




Gr. 7/8 Ice Hockey - Ms. Oliveira, Mr. Aishford & Mr. Gomez


Quarter-Finals: Friday, Feb. 21 @ Ted Reeve 8am




Gr. 7/8 Girls Volleyball - Team B

7-8 Girls Volleyball B


Gr. 5/6 Ball Hockey

5-6 Ball Hockey


Gr. 7/8 Ball Hockey

7-8 Ball Hockey


Gr. 5/6 Basketball

5-6 boys basketball


Gr. 7/8 Boys Basketball

7-8 boys basketball


Gr. 7 Boys Volleyball- CITY CHAMPIONS

Gr. 7 Boys - City


7 boys volleyball


Gr. 8 Boys Volleyball  - CONFERENCE CHAMPIONS

8 boys volleyball


Gr. 7/8 Girls Basketball - Team A - CITY FINALISTS

7-8 Girls basketball


Gr. 7/8 Girls Basketball - Team B

78 girls bball B


Gr. 7/8 Girls Basketball - Team C

7-8 bball C


Gr. 5/6 Girls Basketball

5-6 girls basketball


Gr. 7/8 Girls Football 

girls football


Gr. 7/8 Boys Soccer

7-8 Boys soccer


Gr. 7/8 Girls Soccer

7-8 girls soccer


Gr. 5/6 Boys Soccer

5-6 Boys Soccer


Gr. 5/6 Girls Soccer

5-6 Girls Soccer


Gr. 7/8 Boys Football 

7-8 boys football


Gr. 7/8 Cross Country 

7-8 Cross Country


Gr. 4/5/6 Cross Country

4-6 Cross Country


Gr. 1-3 Cross Country

1-3 cross country


Below is a guide to Athletics offerred with TDESAA (Toronto District Elementary Sports Atheltic Association). 

** Subject to coach availability.

Sports Seasons

Concussion Information 

Guidelines for Parents

Quick Facts

Return to Play - Medical Forms

Return to Learn - Medical Forms

TDSB Concussion Policy


Ms. Oliveira 

duke athletics