Welcome back! The Duke Library is open!

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
Each class has now been assigned a library period, and students have started visiting the library with their homeroom classes. Students visit the library once every two weeks. Please check with homeroom teachers if you are unsure of the assigned period. Students are able to check out two books (Kindergarten is starting with one), which may be read in class or at home over this two week period. At the end of the two weeks, we are asking that books be returned to the library. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated!
Also, if you discovered any lost library books at home over the summer break, please return them to the library.
Fines are not charged for lost library books this year, but you may make a donation of $5 per book if you would like to help cover the cost of the lost book.
If you have any questions about the Duke Library or the TDSB Virtual Library, please let me know.
Stay tuned for more information about our amazing library!
I am looking forward to another great year of reading and learning in the library.
Best and bye for now,
Ms. Austin
Useful Links:
Virtual Library
Read Watch Learn
My Library