Math and Science

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EYA offers math courses ranging from grade 10 to 12. Come and learn math a different way. Our small classroom environment allows for more flexibility with regard to both pacing and peer tutoring. We offer a balance of traditional teacher-directed instruction and student-directed learning that includes kinesthetic (hands-on) activities, assignments with applications to the real world, and collaborative group work. We will work with our students in designing assignments that are meaningful to their needs and interests.

EYA offers the following Math Courses:

Grade 10 Math (MPM2D1) 

Grade 11 Workplace Math (MEL3E1) 

Grade 11 College Math (MBF3C1)

Grade 12 Workplace Math (MEL4E1) 

Grade 12 Foundations for College Math (MAP4C1) 


EYA offers the following science courses:

Grade 10 Science (SNC2D1) How do diseases affect organs? How do chemical reactions affect your daily life? What are the effects of climate change? 

Grade 11 Biology (SBI3C1 and SBI3U1) Is there anything more relevant to our day to day living than our wondrous body? 

Grade 11 Environmental Science (SVN3E1 and SVN3M1) Why should we care about environmental issues? 

Grade 12 Earth and Space Science (SES4U1) Are we alone in this universe? What is beneath the surface of our home planet? 

Grade 12 Physics (SPH4C1) Force, motion, light speed...need one say more? 

Grade 12 Brain and Behaviour (SNC4M1) An innovative course looking at the science of the brain in relation to one's personality and thought processes.