Credit Recovery

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Credit Recovery at East York Alternative

The Credit Recovery Programme at East York Alternative is an excellent opportunity for you to earn credits that you did not successfully complete in previous years. Your credit recovery teacher will consult with you, the Guidance team and your credit counselling summary to make a plan that will move you toward your goals for completing high school. Credit Recovery is paired with a Learning Strategies course. This course will support you to develop the tools you need to make a plan for after high school and build on the skills you need to find success. There is no limit to the number of credit recoveries on your transcript you can complete if you are motivated and work with your teacher.


The Credit Recovery School Day

During your Credit Recovery class, your teacher will support you to work independently on the assignments you need to earn your credits. All the work you complete will go toward the credits you require for graduation. The Credit Recovery teacher is there to provide the support you need to complete your tasks through a combination of whole class instruction and one-on-one support.  You will have access to all the academic help you need to achieve your goals.


Learning Strategies

The Learning Strategies course will help you achieve your goals and make a plan for after high school. Whether you want to attend college or university, begin an apprenticeship or go right into the workforce, Learning Strategies will support you in various pathways and help you to make a realistic plan for your future. The literacy, numeracy, organization and planning skills taught in the Learning Strategies course will help you throughout high school and beyond.