Glen Park is a large, dynamic and vibrant school community. We are dedicated to teaching and learning practices that foster academic excellence, well-being and equity. Our staff continues to embrace a dynamic curriculum, filled with energy, dedication, and expertise in facilitating engaging inquiry-based models. We welcome our parents, guardians and community partners as vital members of our school, building upon our vision of school as the "heart of the community". Our rich arts-based programs provide an excellent foundation for integrating literacy and mathematics throughout the curriculum. Our focus on academic achievement in both French and English continues to drive our school improvement planning. Throughout the year, we offer our students and families unique programs, teams and clubs to foster a holistic vision of learning, through a lens of multiple-intelligences and a strength-based focus. We continue to collaborate with all stakeholders and value their contributions to school improvement.
Thank you for your support and collaboration as Glen Park Public School partners, as we move forward and embrace 21st Century teaching and learning. We greatly value and appreciate everyone's commitment to excellence in all areas of achievement!
Andrea Gillard, Principal
Clinton John, Vice-Principal