Pizza Day
Please contact glenparkpizzalunch@gmail.com for any questions or concerns regarding the pizza lunch.
Pizza day is an important fundraiser for the school. Caregivers pre-order lunch for students via a link that is sent out to all families. It's a nice break from packing a lunch, and a great treat for the kids! Pizza day is also a great volunteer opportunity for parents and caregivers. The students are always very excited to see the volunteers, and it provides a valuable service to our school.
Mabel's Labels
Help keep our lost and found bin empty! We do our best to return all clothing which is labelled to children. Mabel’s Labels are personalized, peel & stick, super-durable labels for the stuff kids lose. They can safely go in the laundry, dishwasher and microwave. They’re loved by parents & kids alike, and they’re perfect for all of your kids’ stuff – from shoes & clothes, to water bottles, lunch boxes, backpacks and more! Please click on the link below to order from Mabel's Labels.
A percentage of each sale is credited to Glen Park!
Mabel's Labels, make sure our school comes up as Glen Park School Council (Toronto).

Glen Park School Wear
At Glen Park, we love to show off our school spirit by wearing our school athletic wear! The school clothes are available on-line at different times during the school year. The students love sporting their school colours, and our cool wolverine logo! Even staff and parents are buying our school clothes. Stay tuned for a spring shop and a grad shop!